Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Doctors...doctors....and more doctors

Hi all!

Boy you'd sure think I'd have tons of free time to blog what with not working an all. This little girl really keeps me running! Between trying to keep the house as clean and germ-free as possible and getting her to all of her doctor appointments, there's not time for much else.

Overall, M is doing pretty well. Her sleep has improved some, however, she is battling a nasty cold so that complicates things a bit. I looked back and there have only been 4 days since we've been home that we've not gone to a doctor appointment. We're getting her established and getting to know all the doctors and specialists. So far, I love them all!! We are so blessed to have access to some of the finest medical professionals and facilities in the nation.

E is doing great, too. He is learning, although not happily at times, how to share Mommy's and Daddy's attention. He is the best helper I could've ever asked for. He is always asking me what I need and running to get diapers, wipes, the "booger sucker", toys, blankets, you name it. He's not super cuddly with M yet, which during the cold and flu season is probably a good thing. (Oh - and no, it was not his birthday or anything. I made him a cake and we had a "Big Brother Party").

While I'm pretty worn out at the end....who am I kidding....the beginning, middle and end of the day, I'm finding it so incredibly rewarding to be a mom to two beautiful children. I've been subject several times over the last two weeks to the "you are such a saint" comment and I just want to say - we adopted the children that chose us. Yes, they have special needs, yes they were born into unfortunate circumstances. We do not claim to be saints, nor do we feel like our lives are any different than anyone else's lives with two children. The only difference I see is that we manage our time a little differently, and have more appointments to manage and resources to employ. The thing is, it's all we know. So, thank you, I know you mean well, but we really are just a couple of people who wanted children. We have been blessed beyond imagination with the two we have and look forward to adding K to our family also.

Alright, I know why you really came here and for your patience, you will be rewarded. Here's some of my favorites from this week:


Betsy said...

Congratulations on your beautiful family. I am happy for you as I've been following your blog since we began the adoption of our son who came home from Kyrgyzstan last year.
I totally agree with you about when people say the kids are lucky. I often tell them that we are the lucky ones to be their parents!
Wishing you all the best in this new chapter of your lives,

janiece said...

HAHA--I get those comments too--about how children are "so lucky" that we adopted them and how "incredible" we are. Well my reply is that we're the lucky ones because we get to be the parents to these incredible children. And you are right--its just a matter of planning and adjusting for those special needs. I wouldn't have it any other way. Having these children has made me realize how lucky I am!
I'm so glad things are going well. They sure look happy!

Kimberly said...

Shannon - she is just beautiful! and E. looks so proud to be a big brother! How fun! I am so excited for you!

Christina said...

Glad to see that things are good. She is a cutie. So happy for you guys.