Monday, June 14, 2010

The Numbers are in.....

....and they are frightening! My total cholesterol is 235, triglycerides 129, HDL 38, and LDL 171. I'm a walking time bomb just waiting for a heart attack or stroke! What's going to make me happier than anything is watching these numbers go down.


janiece said...

Similiar numbers to mine--except my hdl was 51. Its scary! Too bad we weren't closer--boot camp is fun (believe it or not!). I go to the Princeton Club too. But just walking can help alot. My biggest frustration is feeding the kids and their huge, never ending feeding frenzy--and trying to eat healthy myself. What to do!!!!!!!

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

I have been trying to improve those numbers too. Good luck on the healthy track!