Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Photo-a-Day 21 Skin Testing

I didn't have my camera with me today so this is (quite obviously) not Marissa's arm.  She saw her new pulmonologist/allergist today, who is also wonderful - we sure do luck out with the docs!  She has a severe allergy to dogs and cats and is NOT allergic to milk (YAY no more soy).  While he feels that a medication could help her when/if she has a brief encounter with a dog or cat, living with them is simply not an option.  Her lung function is being compromised.  She has asthma and BPD and it is getting worse.  She is currently on two nebulized medications and he has added another oral medication until we can get things under control (i.e., until there are no longer dogs in her daily living environment).  We have two dogs, who are both pretty old.....anyone out there looking for new four-legged friends?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yeah you know more and have more power to help M's lungs...boo you have to relocate your dogs. Ain't life full of ups and downs?! good luck finding a new home for them...sorry.