I wish I had great news to report, but unfortunately I do not. Our dossier continues to sit at the Embassy with no word on when it will move on to Kyrgyzstan. Meanwhile, our little lady continues to wait and my heart continues to ache for her. We were so blessed to receive a few new photos of her last week (Thanks Lisa B!!) that have given us and our medical team greater insight into her medical condition. After talking with our team yesterday, the knot in my stomach grows tighter. Her condition is more significant than we originally thought and she is emaciated which has them very concerned. I knew when we accepted her referral we would have a long, challenging road ahead, but until yesterday I did not truly believe there was a chance she may not make it. I pray that she has the spirit and fight in her to press on and wait for us. I have never felt so helpless.....
Please pray for God to watch over our little angel.
Oh Shannon. Know that you are in my heart and my prayers. I SO hope there is something that comes through ASAP so that you can go to her. Big Hugs!!
What a terribly difficult position to be in aching to get to and help your little one and yet still hung up with the embassy. I will keep her and your family in my prayers.
I am praying for you and sweet baby K. I wish I had the chance to see her and hold her while there. I know that is what she needs most of all. Please know that the caregivers in her room (the same ones that care for our little one and Suzanne in CA's and Angie Sharp, and others on our group) are caring and loving women. I believe they are trying to do well by those babies.
Also, I asked the doctor if we could get any special supplies for "K" and another SN baby in the room. We were told only for the other one, that they had special nursers for "K".
As other families go, you can ask them to get a list of any new requested supplies and report back to you. I realize you may already know this or have acted on it, I just wanted to cover the bases just in case.
I am sending hugs and love to you and over seas too!
Shannon, I hope that this week brings news for you and baby K and for the rest of the children in Kyrgyz waiting for us to return and give them the love, medical, and nutritional support they so desperately need.
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